Monday, February 6, 2023

Today in Music & more (February 7)

Singers / Musicians

1951, Mayte Mateos (BACCARA)

1959, Brian Travers (UB40, saxophone)

1960, Steve Bronski / Steven William Forrest (BRONSKI BEAT, keyboards)

1962, David Bryan (BON JOVI, keyboards)

1962, Garth Brooks 

1977, Jesper Mortensen (JUNIOR SENIOR / Move Your Feet, 2002)


1991, Spencer Elden (the baby in the cover of Nirvana's "Nevermind")


1985, Matt Monro 

2007, Αλέκος Ζαρταλούδης (ηθοποιός)

2017, Richard Hatch (actor, Captain Apollo in Battlestar Galactica)

Important Dates

2020, Li Wenliang, the Chinese Manchurian ophthalmologist who warned his colleagues about early COVID-19 infections in Wuhan, dies at the age of 33

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